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Análisis preliminar de las respuestas relacionadas con América Latina y el Caribe a la Encuesta Global de la Sociedad Civil
Preliminary Analysis of Latin America and Caribbean-related responses to the Global Civil Society Survey
Regional Civil Society Coordination Meeting pior to the Asia and the Pacific Regional Preparatoy meeting for the 15th Cime Congress
Preliminay Analysis of Asia-Pacific related responses to the Global Civil Society Suvey.
Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting
The Regional Preparatory Meeting is a unique opportunity for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to contribute to the discussion on the drafting of the Declaration of the 15th Crime Congress which will be held from 25 to 30 April 2026 in Abu Dhabi under the overall theme “Accelerating crime prevention, criminal justice and the rule of law: protecting people and planet and achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the digital age”.
Tell your story on organized crime!
Storytelling is a powerful way to process, share, and understand personal and often traumatic experiences. It has the unique ability to humanize complex issues, making abstract policy challenges more tangible and relatable. Inspired by the theme of ‘My Voice Matters in the Fight against Organized Crime’, we are seeking submissions of artworks to contribute to a creative zine that tells your story on organized crime.
Applications to the 2025 Constructive Dialogues on Firearms and Technical Assistance & International Cooperation are now open
For applications for the Constructive Dialogue on Firearms and the Constructive Dialogue on Technical Assistance & International Cooperation: 31 January 2025 midnight CET.
Civil Society Survey - Contribute to the preparations for the 15th UN Crime Congress
In preparation of the 15th United Nations Crime Congress, the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in cooperation with the UNODC Civil Society Unit, is launching a global survey as part of a broader consultation process. We strongly encourage your participation in this survey, designed to gather insights and input from non-governmental stakeholders working on crime prevention and criminal justice.
Our Vision
The Alliance brings together a broad network of civil society organizations contributing to the achievement of security and justice for all. It ensures that civil society are recognized and heard in advancing the crime prevention and criminal justice agenda and in designing, implementing and measuring results of relevant policies everywhere. Under the umbrella of the Alliance, cooperation among its members will be strengthened, reinforcing the expertise and vision of each of the members to add value and support the work of relevant international organizations, especially UNODC. The Alliance encourages its members in playing a key role towards the achievement of the SDGs, and in particular Goal 16 to “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.”