Ordinary Members

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, ACJS

African Council on Narcotics, ACON

African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum Trust, APCOF

Afrikanische Frauenorganisation, AFO

AIM Education and Research Society, AIM

Anti-Corruption Association of NGO, NGO-ICAC

Asia Crime Prevention Foundation, ACPF

Association for the Prevention of Torture, APT

Associazione "Cortocircuito - APS", CORTOCIRCUITO

Campus Watch, CW

Center for Innovative and Pragmatic Development Initiative, CIPDI

Center Women and Modern World, CWMW

Centre for Governance Research , CGR

Centre for Human Rights, CFHR

Child Rights Centre Albania, CRCA

Children and Young People Living for Peace, CYPLP

Club ohada thies, COT

Community Restoration Initiative Project, CRIP

Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd,

Criminologists Without Borders, CWOB

Cyber Intelligence and Security Aid Bureau, CISAB

Dominicans for Justice and Peace, DJP

El Pozo de Vida, EPDV

Environmental Investigation Agency (UK), EIA UK

Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime,, GITOC

Global Initiative to End Wildlife Crime, EWC

Gorilla FM, GFM

Hope for Justice, HFJ

Independent Center for Research and Initiatives for Dialogue, CIRID

Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Loreto Generalate, IBVM

International Association of Democratic Lawyers, IADL

International Drug Policy Consortium, IDPC

International Federation of NGOs for the prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse, IFNGO

International Law Enforcement Federation, ILEF

International Organization for Victim Assistance, IOVA

International Police Organization, IPO

International Society for Peace and Safety, ISOPS

International Sociological Association, ISA

International Sociological Association , ISA

La Verità Onlus - International Diplomacy, V.O.I.D.

La Vie Mot Global Mission aka Living Word Mission, LWM

Legal Analysis and Research NGO, LAR


Organisation for Gender, Civic Engagement and Youth Development, OGCEYOD

Organização das Famílias da Ásia e do Pacífico, OFAP

Osservatorio sulla criminalità organizzata, CROSS

Pak Institute for Peace Studies Private Limited, PIPS

Penal Reform International, PRI

Rapha International, RAPHA

Research Society of International Law , RSIL

Rural-Urban Social Empowerment Program, RUSEP

Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses, SPYM

Soroptimist International, SI

Stichting Kennis: Knowledge for Safety and Good Governance, KENNIS

Swiss Chinese Law Association, SCLA

The Grief Directory, TGD

The International Legal Foundation, ILF

Tribal Rights Watch, TRW


United Nations Association for Development And Peace, UNADAP

United Nations Study Association, UNSA

United Unity Environmental Rescue Organization , UNERO

Universal Peace Federation, UPF

Victim Support Asia, VSA

Victim Support Europe, VSE

Wildlife Justice Commission, WJC

Women's Federation for World Peace, WFWP

Youth Anti-Narcotics, YANPU

Youth Association for Development, YAD

Youth Council for Anti-Narcotics, YOCFA

Youth for Human Rights Pakistan, YHRP

ZONTA International, ZI