1st intersessional meeting - Expert Discussion on Crimes that affect the environment
Thematic session 1: Preventing crimes that affect the environment (14 February 2022)
When discussing the prevention of crimes that affect the environment, participants may wish to discuss elements such as the root causes of crimes that affect the environment; the importance of, and good practices in, raising awareness and reducing the demand ; as well as the need to enhance the integrity of legal supply chains; and address linkages with other forms of crime.
Thematic session 2: Combating crimes that affect the environment (15 February 2022)
When addressing efforts to combat crimes that affect the environment, participants may wish to, among others, discuss the different modus operandi of criminals involved in crimes that affect the environment, and share national, regional, and international good practices in detecting, investigating and prosecuting crimes that affect the environment. In addition, participants may wish to share good practices and challenges in addressing corruption and economic crimes, particularly the illicit financial flows derived from crimes that affect the environment and the confiscation of the proceeds of crimes, as well as other considerations, including related to victim and witness protection or compensation for damage caused.
Thematic session 3: Strengthening international cooperation to address crimes that affect the environment (16 February 2022)
When discussing international cooperation to address crimes that affect the environment, participants may wish to discuss how the international community can make the best use of existing international instruments and strengthen regional, and international cooperation among Member States, including through cooperation networks. In addition, the meeting may wish to discuss efforts to strengthen and expand technical assistance and capacity building, to enhance inter-agency cooperation and coordination.
More information can be found on the dedicated website of the UNODC.
14 Jan, 2022