Tell your story on organized crime!

We would like to inform you about an exciting campaign that we have kicked off this week.

The UNODC Global Programme on Implementing UNTOC is launching a ‘zine’ to raise awareness on how personal stories can drive meaningful change in the fight against organized crime.

A zine is a self-produced publication that provides a platform for individuals to share their voices, perspectives, and creative expressions. In the zine, we will be showcasing various artworks of those who have been directly or indirectly impacted by organized crime. The theme for the zine is “My Voice Matters in the Fight against Organized Crime”.

To participate in the campaign, we have launched an open call for submissions of artworks of those who have been impacted by organized crime. Submissions may include various forms of art, including poetry, short stories, illustrations, paintings, audio and video and should reflect personal stories on organized crime, be that indirectly or directly. The artwork may be submitted in any of the official UN languages and should be suitable for either print or digital formats.

A select number of contributors will be invited to attend the launch event during the Working Group of Government Experts on Technical Assistance and the Working Group on International Cooperation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) Conference of the Parties (COP), to be held in Vienna from 26 to 30 May 2025. The launch event will feature presentations of selected stories from contributors, and a panel discussion on the importance of integrating lived experiences when creating policies to prevent transnational organized crime.

For more information and the full terms and conditions, please access the dedicated webpage here (available in all UN languages): Please note that the deadline for submissions is the 27th of February.

Considering our close collaboration on preventing and combating organized crime, we would like to invite you to contribute to the zine and/or to support in the dissemination of the call for submissions. We are hoping to have contributions from across the UNODC regions.

For any additional information or questions, feel free to reach out directly!

27 Jan, 2025