Cyber Stakeholder Initiative: Reception and Informal Exchange with Member States and Stakeholders

As the culmination of a week filled with regional consultations on cybercrime, the Alliance of NGOs hosted a reception. Together with the UNODC Civil Society Unit and the Kompetenzzentrum Sicheres Österreich, the reception was aimed at bringing together various stakeholders of the Cybercrime Stakeholder Initiative with representatives of member states and international organizations who are going to participate in the upcoming 7th and final session of the Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime.  

Jean-Luc Lemahieu, the UNODC Director of the Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, moderated through the first part of the event a briefing by stakeholders of the ongoing Ad Hoc Committee negotiations. Sharing the podium with him were Tanja Fachathaler from Epicenter Works, Helmut Leopold from the Austrian Institute of Technology and representative of KSÖ, and Ian Tennant, the Chair of the Alliance of NGOs. It provided civil society with the opportunity to convey to the member states their view on the ongoing negotiations and highlight some of the potential risks hidden in the current draft. The statement by Ian Tennant can be found here.  


The briefing was followed by a Q&A segment where member states and civil society had the opportunity for an informal exchange of ideas and positions on the status of the convention.  

During the reception participants had the opportunity to share their views, and amicably discuss key points of the ongoing process. Over 30 member states and international organizations participated in the successful evening, giving them the opportunity to interact with a diverse set of multistakeholder actors comprised of NGOs, private sector companies, and public private partnership organizations. 

19 Jan, 2024