UNAFEI training programmes in 2022

Dear UNAFEI family members,

This is HOSOKAWA Hidehito, a UNAFEI professor. First of all, I hope this e-mail finds you well and safe.

I send this email to inform you of upcoming UNAFEI training programmes in 2022 and ask for your cooperation to make it possible for participants from your country to attend them.

We have started preparations for training courses and seminars which we will conduct with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 2022.

In order for participants from your country to be able to participate in these training programmes, your country will need to request to participate by completing the “request survey” conducted by JICA and/or the Embassy of Japan in your country. The request survey will take place between July and September. An outline of the process is as follows:

Stage 1) The JICA regional office or the embassy of Japan (“JICA etc.”) in your jurisdiction will prepare a list of programmes planned for the next year.

Stage 2) JICA etc. show the list to the coordinating agency of your jurisdiction and ask to choose the programmes that the jurisdiction wishes to participate in. The coordinating agency will then submit the request to JICA etc.

Stage 3) Based on the results of the request survey, the jurisdictions eligible to participate in UNAFEI training programmes will be determined by the JICA headquarters. Without a request, your jurisdiction cannot be considered; if a request is made, it is likely that your jurisdiction will be given a seat.

In some jurisdictions, JICA etc. may contact the coordinating agency both at stage 1 and at stage 2. In other jurisdictions, JICA etc. will only contact the coordinating agency at the stage 2. In any case, JICA etc. will ask the coordinating agency to choose programmes that the jurisdiction wishes to participate in.

Our participants contribute to the success of our programmes and, as alumni, become permanent members of the UNAFEI family. We sincerely hope your colleagues will take part in UNAFEI’s programmes in 2022.

We would highly appreciate it if you would inform the coordinating agency or any person who has decision-making authority about the importance of submitting the request survey for UNAFEI’s programme in 2022, and please encourage the agency to submit a request so that practitioners from your country can participate in our programmes. 

*Please be aware that direct requests to UNAFEI cannot be considered. All requests must be submitted to the Embassy of Japan and /or JICA through the coordinating agency in your jurisdiction. 

The titles of the courses and seminars conducted by UNAFEI in 2022 are:

- Criminal Justice (Focus on Investigation, Prosecution, Adjudication, and International Cooperation)
    Topic (tentative): Cybercrime and Digital Evidence

- Management of Correctional Facilities and Rehabilitation of Offenders
    Topic (tentative): Treatment of Juveniles and Young-Adult Offenders

- Enhancing Policy and Practice in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Senior Seminar)
    Topic (tentative): Promoting Access to Justice for Crime Victims and the Accused

- Criminal Justice Response to Vulnerable Groups (e.g. Reoffenders, Children, Women) towards Inclusive Society

- Criminal Justice Response to Corruption

If you would like to know more details about UNAFEI’s upcoming programmes, please refer to the attached file, which is a flyer entitled “Upcoming UNAFEI International Training Programmes in FY2022”

We sincerely look forward to seeing your colleagues at UNAFEI in Tokyo in 2022.

Sincerely yours,


14 Jul, 2021