Torture inflicted by Non-State Actors

Oral statement by the working group on gender-based violence as torture inflicted by non-State actors, of the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, read by Ingeborg Geyer (coordinator) speaking about non-State torture (NST)at the Inter-active Discussion Women's Rights are Human Rights! in Vienna on September 28, 2023. A thirty year celebration by the group of women NGOs who organized the 1993 Vienna Declaration which recognized women's rights were human rights! 

The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women Girls, its Causes and Consequences, Reem Alsalem, was invited for an interactive discussion. 
Women and Girls who have been subjected to, or are still enduring NST, deserve their human rights to be recognized by having equal access to justice with State parties making laws against such a crime and human rights violation.

19 Oct, 2023