Fundamental Rights Forum

11-12 Oct 2021 (GMT+1)

Human rights: The road to Europe’s future


The Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 will be the unique platform for dialogue about the pressing human rights challenges that Europe faces today.

We would like to invite you to participate. To help shape the dialogue on human rights challenges.

#RightsForum21 is a unique event that brings together people from very diverse backgrounds – thought leaders, decision makers, civil society, artists, businesses, young people, faith and non-confessional communities and many more.

This year we are producing a hybrid event: broadcast live from Vienna City Hall, in parallel with an ambitious programme of online events.

We know that when we bring such diverse groups of people together, we get new perspectives, new ideas and new ways to tackle human rights challenges.

And would very much like to invite you to contribute – either by hosting a session in Vienna or online, or signing up to find out more.

We will be addressing a variety of challenges – from disinformation to environmental issues, and from rule of law to migration.

Two topics may run through our discussions at #RightsForum21 – our response to the effects of the pandemic and the youth of Europe.

If you would like to host a session at #RightsForum21, or would like to find out more, please visit

And please also encourage anyone in your network who you think would be interested to do the same.

We look forward to seeing you in Vienna – or online – at the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 this October!