Informal Meeting September

Location: Remote
27 Sep 2024, 14:00 - 15:30 (GMT+2)

Minutes of the informal meeting in September


The draft agenda:

Q&A session with the UNTOC COP Secretariat

Updates from the UNODC CSU

Updates from the Alliance


Updates from UNODC  

The 12th session of the Conference of parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (COP12 UNTOC) is taking place in Vienna from October 14 to 18. Observers, state parties, IGOs and civil society organizations that have successfully applied and registered are welcome to attend. Based on the Rules of Procedure of the Conference, only State parties and signatories to the Convention can make recommendations and submit draft resolutions and decisions. The meetings of the Committee of the Whole are also limited to State parties and signatories. As per past practice, the President will convene this meeting at one point during the Conference week and the Plenary will be suspended for this purpose. 

An update was given on the increasing number of Member States delegations and NGO registrations, with over 140 NGOs registered and more than 300 participants from NGOs expected. 

Four drafts of resolutions, had been tabled for adoption by the time of the briefing:  


  • L4: Implementation of the provisions on international cooperation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (submitted by the Co-Chairs of the Working Group on International Cooperation) 
  • L5: Implementation of the provisions on international cooperation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (submitted by the Co-Chairs of the Working Group on Technical Assistance) 
  • L6: Organized fraud and the Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws on Crime knowledge management portal (submitted by the Co-Chairs of the Working Group on Technical Assistance) 
  • L7: Criminalization of crimes that affect the environment (submitted by the Co-Chairs of the Working Group on Technical Assistance) 


By the submission deadline of 30 September, two additional resolutions and one decision were tabled. All will be published on the COP12 webpage once edited and translated into all six official UN languages.  

The side events during COP12 will be either online or in person. Events will not be hybrid. 8 of the 63 planned side events will be conducted virtually. All organizers need to adhere strictly to the time slots allotted.   

All participants, including CSOs, are required to register by October 4th. Registration needs to be done through INDICO, the online conference registration platform. Further information on how to register is available on the conference website. 

All statements, including civil society statements have to be delivered in person. Oral statements are limited to three minutes. This is needed as a high number of the 192 States parties to UNTOC will attend, next to observers from IGOs and NGOS, and will want to make statements on one or several agenda items. Statements should be relevant to the agenda item. There are no discussions or Q&A sessions following any statements by Member States, IGOs or NGOs as this would not be feasible considering the time constraints, very high number of speakers as well as the nature of the Plenary session of the intergovernmental conference. 

As regards the content of the statements, which should fully uphold United Nations standards and avoid abusive language, NGOs assume full responsibility. In this regard we would also like to draw your attention to the Review mechanism established by the Conference, its guiding principles and Constructive Dialogue with non-governmental stakeholders. As the term says, the dialogue with NGOs, academia and the private sector aims to be constructive and solution oriented. No specific country situation shall be mentioned. Whilst these rules are focused on the review mechanism, the practice at the Conference has been the same. 


The general discussion will begin on Monday and, most likely, continue through Tuesday. A list of speakers has been established on a first-come, first-served basis. This discussion will allow the floor to be given first to Member States, thereafter intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), and civil society organizations (CSOs), time permitting. 

For NGOs wishing to be added to the list of speakers under Agenda Item 1(f) of the general discussion, they are kindly asked to send the name of the organization, along with the name and function of the speaker, to the UNTOC COP Secretariat at The list of speakers opened on Monday, September 2nd, and will close at noon on Monday, October 14th. Regarding other agenda items and speaking during those sessions, after they are introduced by the President, a short statement will be made by the Secretariat, and the President will then open the floor. Participants can signal if they wish to speak; the same order will be followed. Video statements will be reserved for high-level government speakers. Only high-level representatives— (heads of states, ministers and delegations) will be allowed to send pre-recorded statements. 

All plenary meetings will be webcasted on UN Web TV. The links will be made available on the conference website: 

Logistics were addressed, particularly the seating arrangements in the plenary hall. Due to limited seating, not all CSO delegates will be able to attend the plenary meetings at the same time. Please be considerate and make space for colleagues when needed. The CSO table would be located near the plenary exit for visibility. Further information regarding the seating arrangements and other organizational details are made available on the COP website. 

The ground passes will be issued to registered participants at gate 1 of the Vienna International Centre on Friday 11, October from 9 am until 1 p.m. and on Monday 14, October 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., unless communicated otherwise on the website. 

Delegates who arrive after 11 am on 14 October and in the following days can collect their badge at the Pass Office during the opening hours from 8 am to 4 pm. 

One of the participants brought up the difficulties in obtaining travel visas. It was clarified that policies vary country-wise and that UNODC can only offer limited support. The letter of invitation itself would suffice. An alternative method for participants would be to write a letter requesting additional help from their government partners. Concerns regarding effective publicity were also voiced. 


Updates from the Alliance 

The Alliance is organizing and co-hosting a number of events during the conference, among them, briefings, roundtables, and informal dialogues on critical issues such as human trafficking, gender-based violence, and environmental crimes.  

Among other, the Alliance is organizing a side event on the Civil Society Declaration, which aims to heighten civil society’s participation with the member countries, ensuring that their opinions are effectively coordinated and disseminated. The Alliance board will finalize and post the Civil Society Declaration online for signatures. 


Events organized by or with the Alliance at COP12 

  • NGO Briefing on Monday October 14th, 11 a.m. in Room M3 
  • The US Round Table for CSOs will be held on Monday, October 14th, from 6:30 p.m. onwards. The roundtable is hosted by the US, more information will be shared as it becomes available. 
  • The Informal Dialogue with the UNODC Executive Director will take place on Wednesday, October 16th, at 11:00 a.m. in Room M3 and online.  
  • The date and time for the informal dialogue with the President has yet to be announced. 
  • The Alliance Socialising Event is planned for Wednesday, October 16th, at 6:30 p.m., at the Salm Bräu. 



The Series of side events co-organized by Alliance are as follows—  

  1. Making sure that firearms do not end up used in gender-based violence on Tuesday, October 15th at 1:00 – 1:50 p.m., in CR3. 
  2. Tackling the nexus of organized crime and corruption: strengthening linkages between UNTOC and UNCAC, on Tuesday, October 15th at 1.00 – 1.50 p.m. in CR7. 
  3. Effective implementation of the firearms protocol to prevent misuse and armed violence on Wednesday, October 16th at 1.00 – 1.50 p.m. in CR7. 
  4. Uniting forces: strengthening multistakeholder collaboration against transnational organized crime on Wednesday, October 16th at 1.00 – 1.50 p.m. in M2. 
  5. Joint action: harnessing partnerships to combat crimes that affect the environment on Thursday, October 17th at 1.00 – 1.50 p.m. in CR7. 
  6. A civil society declaration on more effective implementation of the UNTOC on Friday, October 18th at 2.00 – 2.50 p.m. in M3. 

The Alliance will continue to share updates on COP12, including events and deadlines, through email.  


Names of the participants 

Brandon Yst , H.khaleed, Maecella Sigmund, Brave to love, Amanda Narhan - EWC, Ian Tennant, Amb. Dr Anagwu Augustine, Adam Foldes, Adele Kirsten, Ana Motamayor, Andre Cox, Andrea Dàvalos- Semillas, Alice Pasqualato, Aristàlia Neto, Aristides Contreras, Atika Juristia-The J Healthcare Initiative, casa Monarca, Criminologist Snehil Dhall, Daniel, Demetra Loizou, Efthymis Antonopoulos VSE, Ernest OPARE, Eva Rodriguez, Gillian Dell, Darren Brookbanks, Godwin Ochube, Hauerrona Eleonore, Ingeborg Geyer, Irina kizilova, Jay Albanese, Jeanne Sarson NST, John Lasu, Jolanta Redo, Juliet Colman, Kate Klikis- EIA, Kendall Alaimo, Lando Kiala, Laura Morales Neuz, Lèa Luxembourger (WJC), Leah Conklin (ILF), Linda MacDonald NST Canada, Linda Pavanello, Linda Abrahm, Lisa Hartevelt, Livia Wagner, Louise Edwards (APCOF), Lynne Satariano, M.Rahim sheriff, Mafaro kasipo, Mantopi Mdp Lebofa, Marcella Sigmuns Soroptimist, Mariana Benavides (TI Argentina), Marta Santos, Md. Harun-Or-RasHID-Light House, Mina Cing-Humanity Research Cosultant, Monica Kyamazima, Natalia Holynska, Nukila Evanty, PATTA Jorge, Pattanan boonkong, Saami - Wirtz, Alexander, Sabine Peter Zonta International, Sheriff MR, Callum Watson, Suzanne Akampurira, Syed Zulfikar (Pakistan), Tafadzwa Chikumbu, Tarik Khosa, Wycliffe Aganda, Yasim Espinoza Goecke IANSA, Ekemini Umoh, Coalition SEGA, Tobias Krachler, Rosemary, Kaushani, S.T Mondeh, Meeting minutes, Admin, Alex Chance, Dr. Hong Tang - Vienna Additional Representative, George, James Kwaje Thomas, Arthur MUGISHO, Sunil Kumar, Tripla Difesa Onlus – Edda Giuberti 


Names of UNODC representatives     

Issam Alkhayat, Billy Batware, Elizabeth Mattfeld, Mirella Dummar Frahi, Constanze von Söhnen, Konrad Gertz, Anders Frantzen