Informal Meeting

09 Nov 2022, 15:00 - 16:30 (GMT+1)

The agenda will include:
- Updates from the Alliance 
- Updates on the Thematic Discussions of the CCPCJ on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration
- Reports from the Third intersessional consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee


Tariq Khosa, Ian tennant, Linda Mac Donald, Jeanne Sarson, Milena Curzel, Jolanta Redo, Nuno Maria Roge Jorge, Evelyn Dürmayer, Femi Oyebode Ruaydi, Samuel Anali Ruaydi, Marlene Parenzan, Patrick Karlsen, SPERO, Godfrey Mpandikizi, Irmgard Mäntler, Gerhard Reissner, Jay Albanese, Philip Reichel, John O’Reagan, Linda Abraham, Anna Alvazzi del Frate (Chair), Inge Geyer (Treasurer), Tobias Krachler (Secretary)

UNODC CSU: Konrad Gertz, Sophia Schimdt, Billy Batware


  • Comments on the Intersessional Consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee negotiating the cybercrime Convention

Overall, the intersessional was meaningful and its four sessions were relevant. The panelists were very professional and their presentations were high-quality. The debate was rich and inclusive, as the Chair gave the opportunity to get various perspectives. Overall, the session was from the human rights perspectives and the victims’ perspectives were laid out well.  The sessions in which the private sector also expressed their opinions was interesting as well.

The state parties and the governments showed lots of interest and made pertinent questions and very good observations. Hopefully, the scope of this cybercrime treaty, which is being debated should be restrictive, that is there should be a balanced approach between law enforcement and human rights approach: there is a sort of consensus that the larger issues of cyber security or political issues of the state security and other aspects may not be included, while the focus should be only on cybercrime. Its definitional aspects and its content parts were very well discussed. This approach was recommended by certain key panelists, but not only from the UNHCR; in fact, there were certain member states who were also strongly projecting that perspective. Certain points of views by member states would like to focus on the cyber security aspect rather than the law enforcement approach which has more focus on fundamental human rights and their respect. This is an encouraging sign but as the debate goes, there are certain member states who sort of put the human rights agenda on the back burner.


There were relatively few stakeholders in the meetings. Apart from the panelists that spoke, there were not many NGOs represented either in the meeting room or online.

Looking at the agenda items, last intersessional was probably the most specific, as it was very technical, which can help explain why not so many NGOs wanted to talk. The important point to make is that we keep these meetings going and keep their interest because it is not just about getting a high number of NGOs in the room, although that is important. It is about making sure there is interaction between member States and NGOs.

  • Updates from the Alliance

24-hour conference on global organized crime

The third 24-hour conference that occurred in October was the largest, yet it was the third one. With the decline of COVID, it was likely the conference would have shrunk in size, but instead it has expanded in size. There was a total of 3000 participants from 55 countries, 85 separate panel sessions running in five parallel streams over the 24 hours. Technology held up very well, so it was a very successful event.

There was a completely gender balance conference: there was at least one woman on every panel and as a matter of fact, for the first time there were more total female speakers than male speakers.

Also, many young people – 70 student volunteers - from around the world (Europe, New York, Spain, Peru etc.) were there to give support to the event. It gave them the opportunity to interact with their peers all around the world.


The numbers of participants the Executive Director shared with us are impressive: 133 governments plus one observer state, 1533 total participants, 193 NGOs with 534 individuals from NGOs, 17 international organizations.

Overall, there was a positive outcome in terms of the NGOs. Although some of them were objected against, many member states stood up with them - in the name of the Vienna spirit of consensus - calling for a vote, which eventually allowed them to attend the conference.

The number of NGOs registered for the conference was the highest ever. The Global Initiative was very pleased to secure some funding from one of their donors to bring for the first time 20 very grassroots NGOs from difficult places to the conference: there were the environmental crime people from DC and Cameron and many others humans-smuggling experts from Indonesia. Besides, the university were very excited and very keen to do more in the future.

Overall, it was a good step forward. There is lots of potential for more as the Alliance keeps bringing in and connecting more people to the UN and to the member states.

Collectively, we raised the attention on the need to involve more the civil society.

American Society of Criminology Meeting

It is going to be held next week in Atlanta, Georgia. Over 2000 people are expected to participate in person. Some colleagues are going to be rewarded. It would be an opportunity to get together and see what everybody else is finding interesting in the research area and lecturing on another kind of topics. They are looking forward to doing the same in Vienna for CCPCJ as well.

Asian Crime Prevention Foundation

On October 21st, they celebrated the 60th anniversary of UNAFEI and 40th anniversary of ACPF, which was a great success. On November 11th, a lesson will be given on the behalf of UNAFEI and the Asian Crime Prevention Foundation.


It is the first time the Executive Director of UNODC participated to the COP. The connection between crime issues and climate issues has been made clear by the participation of UN bodies.

This very important topic is more and more frequently treated within the UN discussion. At the COP it was also quite clear that the environmental issues are emerging in terms of serious crimes that is to be considered under the UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime.

Upcoming events

November 14th-17th: NST exhibition

December 5th-7th: Thematic discussion of CCPCJ

December 5th: cybercrime civil society event organized with CSU (2pm)

December 7th: NST torture (side) event in webinar form

December 15th: last informal meeting of 2022

January 11th, 2023: informal meeting (preparation in advance for the General Assembly)