3rd SE4U Self-Paced course for civil non-governmental stakeholders’ engagement training

24 Jan 2022 - 05 Mar 2022 (GMT+1)

The 3rd SE4U Self-Paced course for civil non-governmental stakeholders’ engagement in the review mechanism of the UNTOC will start in January 2022 (in English only, more languages coming soon). We invite you to nominate people from your organizations to take part in these training opportunities and contact us at unodc-se4u@gmail.com. We kindly ask that you share this information widely within your networks.


This course focuses on the implementation of UNTOC and its Review Mechanism and can be completed at your own rhythm and time during a period of 6 weeks. It will be facilitated by an educational expert and certificates will be awarded to participants who complete at least 80% of the course.


Duration: 24 January 2022 – 5 March 2022

Please register here by January 2, 2022 


We encourage you to share this call for applications with your networks and via social media. We invite you to tag us under @UNODCCSU and use the hashtags #SE4U, #WhatsOn, #UNTOC, #StakeholderEngagement, #CSUMultistakeholders, and #CivilSocietyStakeholders. 


We thank you once again for your engagement.


 Many thanks and kind regards,


Civil Society Unit  

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)      
Vienna, Austria  
Tel: +43(1) 26060-4170  
Email: unodc-ngounit@un.org
Web: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/ngos/cst.html