11th Informal Meeting

24 Nov 2021, 15:00 - 16:30 (GMT+1)

Participants: Anna Alvazzi del Frate (Chair), Ingeborg Geyer (Treasurer), Michael O'Connell, Linda MacDonald, Rajesh Spym, Jeanne Sarson, Ian Tennant, Evelyn Dürmayer, Phil Reichel, Martina Gredler, Jamie Bridge, Gerson Nozea, Jay Albanese, Jolanta Redo, David Peters, Herta Kaschitz-Wüstenhagen, Emile LeBrun, Linda Witong, Lloyd Klein, Ifeanyi, Carlos Sesma Alcon, Tobias Krachler (Secretary)

UNODC: Mirella Dummar-Frahi, Anders Frantzen, Karin Azadian, Mariana Cirmaciu, 

Agenda Informal meeting on November 24th:

  • Thematic Discussions of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration, 10-12 November 2021
  • Impressions of COP26
  • Report of the International Consultation in preperation of UNEA 5.2

The meeting was chaired by Anna Alvazzi Del Frate, Chair of the Alliance.

Anna Alvazzi del Frate (Chair of the Alliance)

The 11th informal meeting started with a review of the agenda.

First, we collected the impressions of the CCPCJ thematic discussion took place from 10 to 12 November.


Ian Tennent (GI - Vice-Chair of the Alliance)

He wrote a paper on the CCPCJ thematic discussion including his impressions. He thinks that in general it worked well and was a success. He is satisfied for many reasons: firstly, the Alliance did a very good job and was able to select a wide range of different speakers from civil society which allowed for a very good and expansive dialogue. Secondly, the time allotted seemed sufficient and both panellists and speakers did a very good job in concentrating their informative interventions in 3 to 5 minutes. Most importantly, there was no resistance to listen to civil society's contribution and the chairman left plenty of space for a very interactive debate with many speakers on the ground. So, NGO representatives were able to ask questions to the speakers and engage in that way. For the next times, we should make people more aware of the possibility to ask questions even for those who did not get a speaking slot, in order to have a rotation and amplified participation.
Ian also gave feedback on the ECOSOC status rule for speaking: NGOs under the Alliance umbrella could speak without any problem even if they did not have ECOSOC status. They could have a slot that they could not have on their own. So, this is a very important opportunity given by the Alliance, and a great value to be a member.

Michael O'Connell, Jay Albanese, Anna Alvazzi, Jeanne Searson and James agreed with this, especially comparing CND with CCPCJ.


Anna Alvazzi del Frate (Chair of the Alliance)

We also collected some criticisms which might be useful for the future. One was that the sessions were quite long and it was not clear when people had to speak. So, it was difficult for people, especially when they joined from a distance, to know. But the chairman and secretary did a very good job of organising the time and sessions, keeping in touch with all the speakers and being flexible in accommodating speaker time.
Another observation, not a criticism, was that the role of many UNODC speakers was not clear. We understand that it was good to give a big platform to many projects that are going on, but perhaps it was not very well organised and seemed a bit fragmented.

On 8 December there will be a reconvening of the thematic discussion that could not be held in May because of many delays and many things that happened during the 30th session. Hopefully it will be, although it will be more formal, the same collegial and good atmosphere for the NGO representatives.


Tobias Krachler (Secretary of the Alliance)

The secretary informed that for those who missed the statements of our members, they can watch on our YouTube channel.

The secretary also informed about the restrictions to enter the VIC during the lockdown period from 22 November to 12 December. He will follow up and inform us in the future regarding the rules for the CCPCJ reconvened thematic discussion. 

The secretary informed board members of an important deadline: the call for application for the upcoming committee on cybercrime (NY), Tobias invited all to register by 1 December. The committee was set up chaired by the Algerian Ambassador. Tobias and Anna had the pleasure of meeting the ambassador and talking to him about civil society engagement in the negotiation. The role of civil society is still unclear, but it is important to register and show the many NGOs interested in participating.


Jay Albanese (CWOB - Vice-Chair of the Alliance)

Reminder of the 24-hour event. The agenda has been finalised and at the event there will be about 80 panel sessions over a 24-hour period, with participants from 45 different countries. Some are about politics, some about research, some about books, summaries, video documentaries... it's very exciting and all free and Jay has invited everyone to register for the topic and session you like best.

Remember there will be registrations for those who cannot attend.


Anna Alvazzi del Frate (Chair of the Alliance)

The president informed the members of the 16 days of activism for the prevention of gender-based violence. During these days there will be a nice flow of initiatives and events. The first one will be during the evening: the Alliance is not an organiser, but Anna will be present/connected to speak. The event is organised by the Sigmund Freud University (Vienna) and focuses on psychological violence against women. As most of our members deal with this issue, according to the survey, we planned to do a 16-day social media campaign, supported by our intern Milena.


Andres Frantzen (UNODC SCU)

He informed the members about the discussion between UNOC CSU and The Alliance on the work plan and activities for the coming year. The two bodies are now officially working together. There is an agreement between UNODC SCU and The Alliance to work together and to implement some components of our programmes. Therefore, UNODC SCU is happy to give the Alliance a contribution for support.

An example of this cooperation will be during the 24-hour event, where UNODC SCU will present the best practices that members have shared through the survey conducted by the Alliance.


Emile LeBrun (Small arm survey)

A reminder of the UNCAC conference that will take place in the coming weeks, from 13 to 17 December in Sharm El sheikh.


Ingeborg Geyer (ZI – Treasurer of the Alliance)

Inge, as the chair of Committee and sustainable development in Vienna, has been following the COP26 and since she has been closer to the process, she presented it and share with the member of the boards the last new on COP26, her impressions and the report of the international NGOs consultation in preparation of UNEA 5.2


The overall theme of UNEA 5 is “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”. The first session of UNEA-5 (UNEA-5.1) was held online on 22-23 February 2021 with an agenda that focused on procedural decisions. Substantive matters that require in-depth negotiations have been deferred to an in-person session scheduled for 28 February – 2 March 2022 (UNEA-5.2) in Nairobi. UNEA 5.2 will be followed by a Special Session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-SS) to be held 3-4 March 2022 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the creation of UNEP in 1972.

Impression of COP 26th:

The COP 26TH UN climate Change Conference, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, took place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow, UK.

UN CLIMATE PRESS RELEASE, 13 NOV 2021: COP26 Reaches Consensus on Key Actions to Address Climate Change:

  • Adaptation, mitigation and finance are all strengthened in a complex and delicate balance supported by all Parties
  • After six years of strenuous negotiations, pending items that prevented the full implementation of the Paris Agreement on carbon markets and transparency have finally been approved

Report of the International Consultation organized by Major Groups in preparation of UNEA 5.2

Purpose: The Consultation should advantage the development of Major Groups and Stakeholders’ strategies around specific initiatives including resolutions, declarations and decisions tabled for UNEA 5.2, UNEP@50 and Stockholm+50, resulting in core messages and policy positions as well as input for the 155th meeting of the CPR and the 8th Annual Subcommittee meeting of the CPR.

  1. The UNEP We Want /UNEP@50
  2. Environmental governance/ Resolution 73/333 including Escazu Agreement, environmental defenders, Stockholm+49
  3. A New Treaty to Combat Plastic Pollution
  4. Stockhol+50
  5. Nature for Climate with expert to report from latest IPCC report
  6. Nature for Poverty Eradication, Jobs and Economic Prosperity
  7. Food systems
  8. Chemicals, Waste, Mercury
  9. Nature for Health

Reminder of the event “Tomorrow Without Toxics”: The International Civil Society Conference on Chemicals Management (22nd-26th November 2021).


Evelyn Durmayer (IADL)

He shared an interesting presentation on ECOCIDE and the need to give a legislative definition to include it as a crime against peace. We have crimes against humanity, war crimes, but we don't have crime against peace. ECOCIDE is not only a war crime, but it is a crime against humanity.



The next informal meeting will be soon, on 8 December, this time one hour earlier than usual. It will start at 14:00 (Vienna time). It will be during the lunch break of the reconvened session of the CCPCJ in order to be able to attend both the CCPCJ and the informal Alliance meeting in one day.