Webinar Series by the Coalition of Faith based Organizations now accessible online

The Coalition of Faith based Organizations has published all their previous webinars on their website: https://coalitionfbo.org/webinars-2/

-Faith based Organizations, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: Addressing the Urgent Challenges of Our Time, 11 May 2020

-Faith for Earth, Climate Change and Environmental Justice, 4 June 2020

-Violence against Women in the time of COVID 19, 29 June 2020

-In Search of Social Justice: Criminal Justice Reform and the Restoration of Solidarity and Trust in Our Communities, 28 July 2020

-Humane Treatment of Presently Incarcerated People, 12 August 2020

-Violence Prevention: How Can Faith Leaders save Lives, 27 August 2020

-The Role of Ethics, Education and Good Governance for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: Perspectives from Faith Based Organizations, 15 September 2020

-Restorative Justice, Victim Assistance and Faith Based Organizations, 5 October 2020

-Social Harm of Organized Crime on Communities, 15 October 2020

-Faith against Organized Crime, 15 October 2020

13 Feb, 2021